Social security is a system that aims to guarantee the protection and well-being of people in situations of need, such as illness, unemployment, old age or disability. It is a branch of law that is responsible for establishing norms and mechanisms to provide social coverage and ensure access to health services, pensions and other social benefits.
The social security system is based on solidarity and the redistribution of resources, where workers and employers make financial contributions to finance social benefits. These contributions are used to create funds and programs that provide protection to people in vulnerable situations, guaranteeing their right to health, decent work and a decent life in retirement.
Within social security, different regimes and programs are established, such as health insurance, unemployment insurance and the pension system. These programs provide coverage in specific areas and are adapted to the needs of the population, seeking to ensure comprehensive and equitable protection for all citizens.
In summary, social security is a system that seeks to guarantee the protection and well-being of people in situations of need. It is based on solidarity and the redistribution of resources to provide coverage in areas such as health, employment and old age. Through standards and programs, social security ensures access to social benefits and promotes a more just and equitable society.
- Pension advice and benefit calculation.
- Pension claims and appeals.
- Health insurance and medical benefits.
- Assistance in cases of work accidents and occupational diseases.
- Guidance on social security regulations and standards.
- Representation in administrative and judicial procedures related to social security.
- Management of procedures and requests for social benefits.
- Audit and compliance with social security obligations for companies and employers.
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